7 TIPS to SAVE MORE During RAYA Shopping 🛒

“Shop More Pay Less” – We all love this slogan and our attention would be shifted for seconds when we hear this! 😊 In this writing, I share with you a few TIPS to SAVE MORE when shopping especially when Hari Raya is around the corner!

Source: GIPHY
  • FLASH your member card before payment 💳

Malaysians like loyalty programs and loyal customers get more rewards! During this festive season, frequent to your favourite grocery store. Because, this is the most ideal time for you to redeem for rewards with the accumulated loyalty points. We listed down a few loyalty programs offered by several grocery stores/ department store in Malaysia. Frequently, you could get certain items with special discounted member price!

  1. AEON BiG Member Card
  2. Tesco Clubcard
  3. AEON Member Card
  4. Mydin Meriah Card
  5. Parkson Card
  6. Isetan Members Card

Member Cards.png

  • NEVER go shopping alone 👫 👯‍♀️

Personally, I experienced many situation whereby “Buying 2 is cheaper than buying 1 or Buy 1 Free 1” promotion when I was looking for clothes. In many time, I ended up window shopping and buying nothing because I was shopping alone and nobody to share the cost of another same piece of item with me. Hence, I would suggest you always find your buddies or “Brader” to go shopping with you.

Image by Brands Outlet http://www.malaysiadealsales.com/tag/padini/
  • Last minute RAYA shopping 🕛

If Hari Raya is just few days away and you haven’t picked up kuih raya, drinks or any ingredients to prepare your celebratory meals, KEEP CALM! The grocery stores owners will be more panic than you! They are not afford to keep the kuih raya, buah kurma until the next Raya. When they are panic, then we as a consumers can enjoy the discounts and offerings for last minutes shoppers. From our past experience, we learnt that grocery stores offer more markdown on the prices when the festive season is approaching! Check out the flyers below.

Image by Aeon Big http://www.aeonbig.com.my/node/676
Image by Tesco http://www.tesco.com.my/html/promotion_catalogue.aspx?ID=4&PID=12&ItemID=17&ULID=4,12,17
  • Look Up, Look Down and Look Up! ➡️ ⬅️ ⬆️ ⬇️

The expensive and premium brands groceries are normally housed at eye level in order to keep them in the customer’s view. Meanwhile, the less expensive and store brands are usually placed lower or higher. Hence, remember to exercise your eyeballs and neck more during shopping.

Source: GIPHY
  • Pay with Credit Card 💳

“Cash Is King!” – this is no more the case. Paying cash for the groceries doesn’t create any extra value for the consumers. Meanwhile, smart consumers choose to settle the bill with credit card. Credit Card is not only giving you extra buying power, it earns you points and cashback! Do take note if there is any rewarding programme set up between the bank and your preferred grocery store. I show you an example here.

Image by HSBC Malaysia https://www.hsbc.com.my/1/2/a8

Previously, we explained the “Advantages of Having Credit Cards in Pocket“. You can click the underlined title for your reading pleasure.

  • Shop Online 🌎

Do you notice that the shopping carts are actually bigger than required? Promoters are giving out free samples, especially snacks for your kid? Raya Songs are played repeatedly? Shop online if you have a tight Raya Budget. Without the temptations of sights, taste and hearing, most probably you would only purchase what’s on your shopping list.

Source: GIPHY
  • 01.06.18 📅

As announced by the 7th Prime Minister of Malaysia, the current 6% GST will become zero-rated from 01/06/18 onward! Since there are another 17 days to Raya, why don’t you buy later to save RM6 out of RM100? In fact, certain companies like Honda and Toyota had marked down their car prices for 6% since the announcement made on 16 May 2018.

image by Vulcan Post https://vulcanpost.com/639963/zero-rated-gst-business-owners-malaysia/

Last but not least, you SAVE TIME if you have MallSyok to assist you in your Raya Shopping! Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri! 😊

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